

"Kim has changed not just my body, but the way I think about myself. With my incredibly crazed schedule of raising two kids and running a company, Kim makes me look forward to our workouts because she pushes and supports me and makes me want to be strong. She has the right balance of patience and persistence and never lets you get away with anything less than what you as an individual can accomplish. I love how I look but mostly how Kim has made me feel."
-Rachel Spiegelman

"Kim has been my trainer for over three years now and I cannot say enough about how amazing it is to train with her.  She has helped me continue my training through surgery and now my first pregnancy and without her extensive knowledge and passionate commitment to my health I would not be where I am today."
-Kristen Hermanson

"I get more from Kim's Bootcamp class, just once a week, than my old routine of weight training four times a week. Kim's class is not easy, but it is fun and very rewarding."
-Mike Popewiny

"I love Kim's Bootcamp! Awesome energy while you're pushed to your limit! Kim is extremely knowledgeable and a great motivator. Everyone who walks through that door is guaranteed a great work out!!!"
-Karina Everly

"Kim is an exceptional trainer who takes into account my needs, both physical and emotional - and each of her training sessions are tailor-made just for my body, and my ultimate weight-loss goals.  In the time I've spent training with Kim, I've lost three dress sizes and am shocked at the physical improvements my body has made."
- Sara A.

"I have been studying Kyokushin Karate for 3 years. Much of the physical and mental strength - and, more importantly, the confidence - that I'm able to bring to my martial arts practice comes directly from working with Kim!"
- Greer Murphy

"Kim keeps me focused, motivated, and moves me closer to my goals.  I started working with Kim in September of 2009 and I completed my first half-marathon in July 2010.  In that time I also reduced my body fat from 23% to 17%!"
- Carrie Arakaki